Hong Kong and Stonecutters Island
1982 - 1984
Created by Sean 16 years ago
In April 1982, after miraculously fleeing HMS Hermes on the very day it sailed to war in the Falklands, the Lighthouse Family flew to Hong Kong. Pete served at HMS Tamar. He was based on Stonecutters Island for two and a half years as the Chief Petty Officer Instructor of the Locally Enlisted Personnel Navy Training School. He also trained other members of the services in basic seamanship to provide safety boat operators for recreational adventurous training. His training must have been first class as on one occasion he took the family out in a boat in Stanley Bay. The engine broke down and the boat became trapped against some rocks. To Pete's total embarrassment, the boat had to be rescued by a soldier he had only trained the week before!
It was in Hong Kong that Pete worked with the Army (the 'Pongos') for the first time, making endless numbers of new friends in Green and ultimately influencing his son's future career.
Pete also made many life-long friends from the Hong Kong Chinese community, some of which he later sponsored and supported in emigrating to Britain.